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Use of Data and Artificial Intelligence

You've heard the hype - every company needs to be a data company. If you aren't using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) your competitors will eat your lunch is the message. But there's often a massive gap between wondering how to use AI/ML and having a fully realised solution.

At Kycor we have extensive experience in the inception of data and AI initiatives and have the hard-won knowledge of how to make them work. We can look at your business and give a reasoned analysis of the opportunities, create plans for development and either lead or support the implementation. We can combine these activities with cloud engineering to help you launch the new capability on one of the public cloud platforms or help build out on-premises infrastructure.

Since we strongly believe that big data and AI/ML are not silver bullets our advice may be that the technology isn't applicable to your business right now. In either case we can ensure that you move forward with an informed strategy.


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